Crusader—Edward Bloor
Well, here is another book review for the week. I was actually heading towards financial distress after spending Rs 220 on a Robin Hobb that I had previously read online, but like someone said, “Mans reach should extend his grasp”, so I had to pick up another book. I used my old picking philosophy that if its fantasy, it ought to be cheap and big. So I ended up picking this big book called Crusader for 80 bucks. At 600 odd pages, it sure was value for money all right. And it featured a girl holding a big sword on the cover. Surely that had to be good!
Only after starting the book did I realise that it was not a fantasy novel at all. Instead it is this rather strange coming of age novel, set in
This was a completely unexpected read. I kept waiting for the fantasy bit to begin…and only after about 300 pages did I finally figure out that this is not a fantasy novel after all! But having reconciled myself to that sad fact, I found the story itself fairly good. I have not read very many books written by guys who have written with a girl protagonist (in the first person, no less). And initially the heroine was fairly androgynous. However, she does emerge as a distinct individual at the end of it. There is a murder mystery as well, which is a background to this story, holding the plot down after the first 150 pages of atmosphere! It’s also about ethnic minorities, and attempts to preach about the values of tolerance…and other such things that the average American is supposed to imbibe. To me, who am not American, or Christian, it was fairly wasted. However, you have got to admire the author’s political correctness with ethnic minorities!
So what is my final opinion? I rather liked the book. It’s a good read, and has some decent characterisation. The major characters are fairly well fleshed out, with some fairly neat shades of grey for a few of them. However, you do have the stereotypical bad politician, and the red-faced school principal (which seems to be standard for every novel with a school setting). Having said that, I have to admit that if I had not read it continuously, I would probably not have liked it as much. The big print size actually makes the book seem bigger than it is. I finished all 550 pages odd in about 3 ½ hours, 1 of which was spent on a bus…which is quite a bit faster than my usual. Good thing too, else I would never have finished it. And of course, I did not have high expectations when I bought it!
oh - thank god for the review -else i would have watched this movie over the weekend
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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