Friday, August 11, 2006

Back Again

I guess, like the bad penny, I continue to turn up when least expected!
The last few weeks have seen my (usual) insufferable superiority complex dented pretty badly. I have always held the (completely without proof) belief of my own genius. Out here, however, I see chaps who are actually capable of beating me when I am having a good day. Thankfully, I always claim I am not competitive, and then sidestep these issues, but I fear that may not be a long term solution.
So far, my progress with academics has been minimal. Maybe I have been away from the academic groove, but I find it extremely hard to get back to studying with an exam focus. However, that is changing slowly, or rather being changed slowly by circs.
I did find some time to read another book though. This was "Surely you are Joking, Mr. Feynman", which is a collection of anecdotes of Feynman, told in the first person. Very readable, and explains his own view of life, which is very different from most people. Worth Reading.
Well, that should do it for now. Now that my clock is claiming 4:00 am, I think it is time to go to bed, even if it is only for a couple of hours. That is still better than no sleep at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
