Monday, June 04, 2007

Opinionated B******* --> A lesson for yours truly?

Today, I was traveling back to Chennai...and I was treated (at second hand) to character who unfortunately reminded me...of me!
Now, this chap kept talking....throughout the 5 hours or so that the journey took. His poor co-passenger, was treated to his opinion on everything, from Engineering subjects, to how Unhip and Unhappening Bangalore was. And since he could not seem to have a volume control, the rest of the train was also kept informed about his opinions! For the first 10 minutes or so, it was entertaining, but by the time the 2nd hour had started I was getting a bit weary!
So, a note to self...Shut up when on a train...or at least, speak slightly softer!


Anonymous said...

It's like you looked into a mirror and saw yourself :D

Hahahahaha ... hahahahaha ... hahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

or rather heard a mirror and heard urself!! :D

good point noted bala... ! ;)

arif said...

C'mon bala, I don't think you are like that..!!:)
I can hear you longer than that...believe you me!!