Thursday, March 16, 2006

Eventful month

Yesterday was the day my GATE Results came out. Rank 1200 odd, which is really not very good. Admittadly, its a lot better than what I was expecting though. Which led me to consider again, whether our country really produces quality engineers.
I know my own skills, and while I am not a bad engineer, I have to say that I lack the knowledge to be a complete one. I need to refer to my formula table for almost any calculation. Any real life problem has to be broken into tiny bits for my mind to take it in. And most importantly, my technical and mathematical knowledge is truly abysmal (and I should know!).
Having said this, I must say that I am an excellent problem solver, and given enough time, I can analyse and solve almost any problem given to least in the concept stage. I still lack the mathematical skills to make a rigourous proof stand up to scrutiny.
As for work, I have to say that what with attending the interviews and generally being in limbo, I have not been paying as much attention to it as I ought to. Besides, with most of the development already completed, I am left with the documentation to complete. Which is fun in its own way, but it tends to pall as the day wears on. But it would be good to release a product that is all mine...and mine is pretty close to being that! :)

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